Absotemp Climate Control

What Is A MERV Rating And What Does It Mean?

What Is A MERV Rating And What Does It Mean?

Thu, 05/31/2018 – 16:12 / By jon

What Is A MERV Rating And What Does It Mean?

An HVAC system is comprised of different elements, each one essential to its function to meet the needs and wants of homeowners and their beloved families. However some aspects of this network of heating, cooling and ventilation might be complex and quite hard to comprehend to the untrained mind.

This is why technicians are there to aid us on these matters. But given that this system is there to benefit the household, some parts of it must be simplified for those of us who do not specialize in this matter. This simplification allows us to get a better hold in choosing units and features of an HVAC. The MERV rating is a result of such that allows both consumers and professionals to get a grasp of the characteristics of different types of filters.

MERV Rating

It stands for “minimum efficiency rating value.” This is a method of classification developed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioner Engineers (ASHRAE) back in 1987. This way their clients are now able to differentiate filters and choose which they want based on its category.

Different types of filters are actually available in the market, and the farther up they are in the spectrum means the better they are at keeping dust, particles, and debris from passing through.


Now given the nature of a parent who wants the best for their children, they’d more likely be inclined to choose filters that are higher up the ranks. This is so that their children are assured of a clean and healthy atmosphere to grow up in, avoiding the possibilities of acquiring asthma and other illnesses of the same nature.

Nothing is wrong with this, but you should also see to it that your HVAC system is strong enough to handle it because the bigger the MERV rating the harder it is for air to penetrate it. Always seek help and advice from an expert when looking to increase your filter’s category.

MERV Ratings And Where They Are Used

Residences normally use MERV Ratings 1 to 4 though some that can afford it go as high as a 12 category. Remember that the equipment must be compatible with the filter type so you can imagine the farther up you go the more cash you’ll have to shell out for it. This is an investment though, so if you do have the budget then go for it.

5 is ordinarily utilized in many commercial and industrial settings, but depending on their needs they can reach up to 16. Some factories in charge of manufacturing sensitive electrical components can have filters between 17 and 20.

You can expect medical facilities will want to be clean so they equip themselves with the most efficient of filters. The degree may vary in different areas of a facility, depending on its function. For example operating rooms where surgeries are done, have filters that are rated between 13 to 16.

If you have inquiries that were not answered or are looking to replace your old filter for one with a different rating, then make sure to have guidance and help by a reputable technician. Call Absotemp at  (248) 960-3100 to have one of their personnel sent over.